Saturday, October 6, 2012

Annual Pumpkin Patch Visit with the Tillery Family

Each year we visit the pumpkin patch with our precious friends, the Tillerys.  Hollie and I have been best friends for 19 years (yikes!).  Our children love each other so much and it warms our hearts to see them interact and enjoy each other, even though they don't see each other often enough.

This was also Emalyn, Myla Grant and Levi's first visit to the pumpkin patch.  Emalyn loved it!  She followed the big girls around and did everything they did (and more).  The littlest in the group just chilled out and went with the flow.  We are both thankful for our laid back third children!

Emalyn and Addyline (6)

Emalyn, Addyline, Adair and Anabelle (4)

Emalyn loved sliding on the huge inflatable slide with Daddy!

And by HERSELF!  So brave!

Adair and Anabelle

Emalyn, Addyline, Adair and Anabelle

Emalyn found her pumpkin

Adair was very picky about her pumpkin this year.

Our family of five

Myla Grant and Levi (8 1/2 months)

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