Monday, April 2, 2012

A Special Palm Sunday

Yesterday was a very sweet Palm Sunday.  After six long weeks away from church, I went back and we took Emalyn for the very first time.  It was wonderful to be back in the "arms" of our sweet community group and to be amoungst those who have provided so much prayer support, encouragement and love over these past weeks and months.  It was also so refreshing to worship and hear God's word. 

Emalyn loved being there and did very well.  She was a little noisy (happy noises) during community group, so she and I spent a good bit of time walking the hallway.  After community group we went into the service with plans to leave and watch the sermon on the screen in the "cry room" after praise and worship, but she fell asleep in the sling, so we made it through 3/4 of the service before we had to leave.

As I listened to our pastor, Tim, I was reminded, once again, of our redemption in Christ and couldn't help but think that this is just the first chapter in Emalyn's redemption story.  God is so gracious and so good.  We have been overwhelmed by His presence throughout the last weeks and months.  I am so thankful that we got to bring Emalyn home so close to Easter and that Easter is the first holiday we will celebrate with her. 

It is humbling to think that, while MY sin nailed MY Christ to the cross, He went their willingly because His love for ME!  As we approach Easter, I have enjoyed many opportunties to talk with Adair about the cross.  It is so neat to see the little wheels turning and to see her knowledge of her need for Jesus grow. 

After church, we enjoyed a fun (yet, chaotic) picnic and Easter egg hunt.  Both girls had a blast "hunting eggs", but Emalyn's favorite activity was running up and down a small hill.  Adair was a little disappointed that she only got a few eggs (due to her pickiness about colors and characters) to which I responded..."but when you only get a few you get to eat all of the candy right away."  That seemed to satisfy her. 

Today she went to Easter egg hunt round two while with all of her sweet friends from church.  I am so thankful for precious friends who made sure Adair had a great time while we took care of baby sister after her surgery.  Thank you, Alicia, Caroline and Clark, for making sure Adair didn't miss the fun and to Melissa, Stacey, Kelley and everyone who made her feel welcome and loved.  She talked and talked about the eggs, treats and playing with friends. 

First find.

So excited!

Excitedly pointing at Adair.

Ready, set, go!

Easter basket or purse?

Checking out the big girls eggs.

She loves to wear sunglasses!

Sharing skittles...this was Emalyn's first skittle and her last for a while...she was an orange, sticky mess!

Family of four...going on five!

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